Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Gateway Superintendent notes no tax increase for 07-08
This year we were able to pass a no-millage-increase budget for the 2007-2008 school year. This is the third consecutive year that the District’s share of the property tax rate in Monroeville and Pitcairn will remain at 19.41 mills — one of the lowest millage rates in Allegheny County (the average millage rate in Allegheny County is over 22.00 mills).
I applaud the Board, administration and the various budget managers across all departments for their leadership in the planning and use of resources. Our wise and prudent use of tax dollars assures our continuing strength as we look to the future. We will continue to strive to meet the educational needs of all students while tempering those needs with the community’s desire to moderate costs.
While summer is a time for fun and relaxation for many Gateway families, it is also a very busy time for many of us here as we continually work to enhance our academic programming, improve student assessment and data analysis processes, implement new research-based student achievement initiatives and prepare our facilities for the first day of school, August 27. As we get set to begin the 2007-2008 school year, we reaffirm our commitment to the District’s mission of “providing quality educational opportunities for all students and promoting academic excellence in a safe and caring environment.”

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